
Beep-boop sound effects are generated. I'd like to buy a sound recorder and get some real sounds some time.
Game ends if you get to level 4 of any particular direction (South lvl4, West lvl4, etc). Each direction has its own level themes ("Central" being a mish-mash of lvl1 themes) and so you'll find different monsters in each direction. North has almost no monsters right now.
For light:
-Summon light creatures. Spend that 10 starting gold on a glowbug.
-Break rocks until you find Firestone in order to light lamps.
-Create a (held) torch by breaking rocks and trees/furniture to get Firestone and Sticks, then open inventory and use Firestone on Stick.
-Find lightseeds and plant them or use them to summon plant creatures.
-Obtain paper or a map for better navigation.
-Enemies holding torches will drop sticks.
-As a last resort aggro enemies who have their own light sources and have them follow you, for light.
Here's a changelog since last demoday, most recent changes being at the bottom. I don't know why I bothered, it's a waste of time really:
-some ai collision optimizations
-swapped some floor textures around within the themes
-player hit flash (demoday bug)
-spikes and slime corpses damage upon touch (demoday bug)
-pressing enter too early while generating (demoday bug)
-HUD changes
-multiple dungeon levels allowed (added persistence to a bunch of stuff so i can use room_restart() instead of game_restart(). although old dungeons not revisitable.)
-added N/S/E/W exits
-Central area has all 4 exits, other levels have a chance to have less exits
-removed recovery cooldown on double swing (swinging once was preferable to swinging twice)
-slightly lowered recovery cooldown on charged attacks
-added outline to the back of weapon sprites
-dodge changes
-drew some new light sources
-added equippable torches and holding animation for player, imp and goblin.
-set central area summon circle and spawn point to always be in middle
-other directions' spawn points are the appropriate edges (go north, spawn at south edge along with 3x3 dirt floor for extra space). summon circle is placed randomly elsewhere.
-memory leak fixes
-ally faction marker visible in darkness
-pixel explosion variables tweaked (one thing is it's slower, for visibility)
-moved 2 pixels in skeleton sprite
-moved 2 pixels in torch sprite
-major shadow improvements.
-touch flame lamps and wall torches (with held torch) to light them.
-added outlines to flame lamp and glass lamp sprites
-flame effect of flame lamps and wall torches moved to its own object with higher depth
-rewrote place_content code in order to place objects one by one and be perfectly accurate.
-new fire colours
-tweaked flame flutter spawn variables
-dungeon generation changes. bug fixes. pick random zones to clear. algorithm set depending on location. zone count random-weighted towards minimum.
-each zone's algorithm now depends on nearest edge (of playfield). mapped out which locations get which algorithms.
-place_content objects and enemies depend on algorithm
-worked on tile graphics a whole bunch.
-coded up a sprite generator for wall corners (lel ez mode)
-added like 5 algorithms, improved some old ones
-added map
-added some code to check whether player is within light or darkness
-shroud only revealed if player within light
-summon ui changes
-added summon prices
-added party size
-ui changes
-random algorithm chosen for zone when there's equal distance to sides (a 1 zone dungeon no longer has an algorithm preference)
-slaved away for 10 years redoing inventory system.
-new coins
-flame flutter depth is now based on position. coins too
-gold counter ui update
-reconfigured weapon attack rates
-can now move inventory slot selector to the right space to view what weapon stats do
-changed up player attack cooldowns
-decreased heavy attack arcs slightly
-enemies now drop coins
-worked on torches and lamps a little
-adjusted monster sight
-place monster code redone, are either placed in groups (on tile) or singular (on dirt)
-added basic title screen with ugly mspaint title
-added multiplier resolutions and fullscreen options
-summon ui and inventory now close when player recieves damage
-player torch object removed when player dies
-killed allied monsters decrease party count
-allied monsters spawn in when traversing between areas
-items now placed in world
-most items are now useable
-33% chance for imp and goblin to spawn with torches. the first imp/goblin ally summoned has a 100% chance of torch.
-thing objects drop loot and souls
-monsters now take even longer before they attack a lamp that's blocking their way.
-added freezeframe back in
-bitterplant no longer collides with objects nor destroys them
-torch now equips automatically. you can only create 1 torch
-fixed a tricky crash involving player trails (pathfinding crash)
-adjusted light sizes slightly
-paper and map now discarded when traversing to new area
-allies no longer spawn in walls. item placements too.
-added back in the low durability warning (flashing red weapon in UI).
-worked on summon ui
-if have map/paper, can no longer see yourself in minimap while within darkness
-adjusted hurt effect
-enemies can no longer be placed near spawn location (applies only to 'Central')
-heal on waypoints (if no enemies around)
-enemies can now drop loot other than weapons
-monsters with light sources now form around 72 pixels in front of the player (facing direction). regular joes form around the player as normal
-added message system so you can more easily understand what's happening
-merged item pickup text and "x to summon" messages into message system
-items now visible above darkness, until you get closer (so you can stand over them)
-particle depth set above darkness
-white light effect now drawn after darkness and not before
-quick messages get priority and swap with one another within the first line of the message system
-check whether player is on floor tile or dirt for footstep sound
-switched up the controls again
-fixed ally following bug related to leaving allies alone to fight enemies.
-fixed giant bug with pixel explosion in level content objects (bad sprite offset check meant less pixels)
-implemented Lightseed
-inventory now closes when using items
-Bitterplant and Bulb now require Lightseed to summon.
-For items placed in the world (on the groud) they now each have their own rarity values.
-added a tutorial message, for demoday at least.
-fixed lighting bug where distant lights wouldn't follow their master object
Get Slautios
Dark roguelite
Status | In development |
Author | rainlizard |
Genre | Role Playing |
Tags | Dark, diablo, dungeon, Dungeon Crawler, Procedural Generation, Roguelike, Roguelite, Souls-like |
Languages | English |