A downloadable tool for Windows and Linux

A map editor made for Dungeon Keeper 1, prioritizing ease of use and extending map editing capabilities.

When running the editor you'll be prompted to locate the DK game executable, subdirectories will be detected, maps will be browsable and playable using the 'Play' button. To see all editor controls check the Help menu.

You can set up file association on Windows with any of the map file types (.slb, .clm, .tng, etc) and the editor will open the map when you open the file in Windows. You can also drag a file into the editor window to open the map.

Get KeeperFX for the best Dungeon Keeper experience if you haven't already. You may need the latest alpha patch for some Unearth features to function correctly.

Upload your maps here: https://keeperfx.net/workshop/browse
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/zKTjfDh
Forums: https://keeperklan.com/forums/22-DK1-Mapmaking
KeeperFX wiki: https://github.com/dkfans/keeperfx/wiki/
Source code: https://github.com/rainlizard/Unearth


unearth-linux.zip 32 MB
Version 0.52.662 39 days ago
unearth-windows.zip 30 MB
Version 0.52.662 39 days ago

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