A downloadable tool for Windows and Linux

A tool for Dungeon Keeper 1 that generates pre-rendered sprites from a 3D model to create a custom creature.

This program does have a bit of a skill barrier, as you'll need to know some things about Blender. After opening CreatureMaker there's a 'Help' button for a brief guide on how it works.

Custom creatures: https://keeperfx.net/workshop/browse?category=45

Wiki: https://github.com/dkfans/keeperfx/wiki/Adding-or-using-Custom-sprites

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/zKTjfDh

Source code: https://github.com/rainlizard/CreatureMaker


CreatureMaker v0.08.zip 34 MB
CreatureMakerLinux v0.08.zip 29 MB